Following and completing the needs analysis made during the project proposal preparation, at the beginning of the project activities a suvey on Latin American HEIs internationalization capacities is conducted in order to identify specific needs of each institution.

The aim is to get a state-of-the-art picture of the internationalization “practices” within each LA HEI according to the five project dimensions: 

  • Diagnose, for each, the most relevant critical factors with the help of criticality/improvement indicators;
  • Define positioning of each with respect to their internationalization capacity;
  • Strengthen the relationships with social-institutional stakeholders
  • Design a multi-year plan (Internationalization Enhancement Plan, IEP), defining mission, strategies and activities to start and manage effective internationalization policies and practices.


Diagnosis of partner HEIs’ strategy, attitudes, and present positioning on internationalization;

Territorial fora or focus groups involving stakeholders ;

Research on best practices of internationalization and opportunities for international co-financing; IEPs design;

Purchase of equipment: video conference room in each Latin American HEI.